Make the mobile device vibrate for a specified time period and in a specified fashion.
duration - optional
If set to 0 (zero), the device will not vibrate.
If omitted, the device will vibrate for 1 second.
On Android devices you can specify the duration to vibrate or specify an extended value which defines a vibrating pattern. All times are in milliseconds.
To specify a length of time you want the device to vibrate for, enter a single value specifying the required duration of the vibration.
To specify a vibration pattern, enter a comma separated list of values in the following format:
<vibrationoff>, <vibrationon>, <vibrationoff>, <vibrationon>, …
where <vibrationoff> specifies a period of non-vibration and <vibrationon> specifies a period of vibration. Each parameter should be an integer value specifying a time period in milliseconds. For example, specifying 0,1000,500,1000 would start vibrating immediately for 1 second then stop for half a second and then vibrate again for 1 second, whereas specifying 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500 would wait for half a second then turn the vibrator on and off 4 times at half second intervals, with each period of vibration lasting half a second as well.
On iOS devices if this parameter is set to a value greater than zero, the device will vibrate for one second, whatever the value specified.
On the Windows Universal Platform you can specify a maximum value of 5000 milliseconds.
This Method will only work on devices which support vibration.
On Apple devices, if vibration is disabled, this Method will not enable vibration and the device will not vibrate.